SYNOPSIS: Scary Monsters #120 presents Castle of Frankenstein, dedicated to the beloved monster magazine originally published sporadically from 1962 to 1975. As fans of earlier monster magazines filled with puns and bad jokes grew older, many turned to Castle of Frankenstein as it was considered a more serious take on genre films. This issue includes memories of Castle of Frankenstein, Frankenstein’s Scary Lab Assistants, Whatever Happened to the Bride of Frankenstein?, Hammer Goes Hollywood, revisiting the Karloff classic Tower of London, 1922’s Nosferatu vs. 1979’s, an exclusive interview with Lynne Lugosi Sparks on the 90th anniversary of the release of Dracula, and much, much more! 144 fantastic foto-filled pages.
Collectors Note: If you want your regular issue bagged and boarded (placed into an archival quality "bag" with white backer board), click on the drop-down menu above to select this extra service.
Canadian and UK Customers: In Canada, you may be able to pick up a copy at any nearby Chapters/Indigo bookstore once/if they open their doors! In the UK, copies are usually available at Hemlock Books and Forbidden Planet, or ask your local bookstore, newsstand, or comic shop to order through Diamond Comic Distributors.