The servant of an evil sorceress, the Minaton is a great bronze automaton that exists only to serve the will of its master. Powered by a clockwork heart, this large metal Minotaur has the strength of many men and towers over normal humans.
Created by stop-motion genius Ray Harryhausen, this detailed replica of the animation puppet is 30cm tall (11.811 inches), stands on its deluxe version base, and carries his huge spear held in his right hand (includes other spear weapons as shown).
Traditionally sculpted by the artisans of the famed creature shop of Kaibutsuya, this detailed Minaton statue is made from polyresin and stands 30cm tall.
Each piece is hand-painted to look like it has a Bronze finish.
Collectors Note: Brand-new and factory sealed in shrinkwrapped box. Picked directly from the manufacturer's shipping carton.